AI Powered Motivs!

Instant motivations across all your devices.

Instant motivations across all your devices.

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Say what's on your mind

Say what's on your mind

Share your everyday moments in limitless ways.

Get started
Woman using a mobile phone
Woman using a mobile phone

Express yourself freely

Communicate with text, voice message, video, emojis or annotations.

Express yourself freely

Communicate with text, voice message, video, emojis or annotations.

Create and share

Easily create fun, entertaining videos to share with friends.

Woman using a mobile phone
Woman using a mobile phone

Share live motivs

Share your real-time location with anyone.

Share live location

Share your real-time location with anyone.
I'm here!


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Motiv messages


Faster than before

Send motivs to friends & family

Get started

Express yourself, Motiv everyone!

Express yourself, Motiv everyone!

Get started